
Season 2

2.05 Twist the Knife

2.04 The Danger Within

2.03 Boys in the Yard

Letter: Fake Apology from Bea to Brayden

Dear Brayden,

I understand if you don’t want to read this but I had to try to let you know how sorry I am for what happened. Despite what people might have told you, I didn’t mean to kill your mum. But I understand why they might think it. When I first heard Debbie was dead I thought it was your fault. I was looking for someone to blame. But now I know, only a heartless monster could’ve killed someone as beautiful as my Debbie. Saying sorry won’t right the wrongs that have happened or ease the pain, but I’m hoping that as you read this letter, we’ll find some closure to this whole sad affair.

With Sincerest Condolences,

Bea Smith

2.02 Whatever It Takes

Newspaper Article: Brayden Holt denies chop shop claims

Well-known crime son Brayden Holt was released on bail today after denying shop shop allegations. Holt, son of renowned crime matriarch Jacqueline Holt, is accused of illegally selling car parts from stolen vehicles. The alleged scandal centers around Holts’ business “VIP Panel, Paint & Electrical’ in Croydon, allegations were made between March and September this year. Holt was arrested Sunday. He is facing charges, including 3 counts of grand theft, 4 counts for possession or sale of a motor vehicle with an altered vehicle identification numbers, one count of criminal conspiracy and one count of owning and operating a chop shop. Holt denies all claims. Officers received information about a possible chop shop operation and searched the property where Holt also lives on Saturday. The matter will appear before court in one month’s time, however a source inside suspects all charges to be dropped prior.

Dor's Garden Plan

screeenshot of Wentworth character Doreen Anderson's hands as she draws a garden blueprint

Boomer shows Bea her dream hair

Screenshot of Wentworth character Sue "Boomer" Jenkins as she holds up a magazine photo of a person with stylist hair with her own face taped over the model's face

Franky hides a shiv in a Surviving Law book

Screenshot of Wentworth character Franky Doyle's hands holding a book titled Surviving Law while she slides a shiv made from a toothbrush and a piece of metal into the binding of the book

2.01 Born Again

Season 1

1.10 Checkmate

1.09 To The Moon

1.08 Mind Games

1.07 Something Dies

Screenshot of Wentworth characters Sue "Boomer" Jenkins and Franky Doyle hugging while Boomer pushes Kim Chang's head away as Kim tries to hug Franky from the back
Screenshot of Wentworth characters Franky Doyle and Kim Change with there arms around each other as they look down the hall

1.06 Captive

1.05 The Velvet Curtain

Screenshot of Wentworth character Liz Birdsworth making a funny face with socks on her hands

1.04 The Things We Do

1.03 The Girl Who Waited

A Fan Letter to Franky

Dear Franky (with a heart around her name),

I am your biggest fan!! You’ve been my favourite always! I’m also moved to say that I am the one that started the Franky Doyle fanpage website. We now have reached over 2,000 members! I’ve also just signed off on a t-shirt design that has your name all over it! Isn’t that fantastic? I’ll have to send you one in the mail (I’ve already got ten on pre-order! I can’t wait to tell all my friends, they’re going to be sooo jealous of me! I hope my letters make your days bearable. It must get sooo boring in there! Well at least now you can look forward to getting my t-shirt in the next few weeks!

Love you forever and ever,

Letter from Alan Doyle to Franky

Dear Franky,

How are you? I’ve sent you a few letters but haven’t heard from you. Did you get them?

I know I don’t have any right to ask you for anything but I want to see you. I need to tell you how sorry I am for leaving. You were my little mate.

I shouldn’t have done what I did, but there’s wasn’t not much I can do about that now. I just want to talk it through and maybe you’ll understand. I don’t want to make excuses but if we just talk then maybe we can work things out.

I think about you a hell of a lot. I know you won’t believe that, which is why I’m sending my photos too. Do you remember that day I taught you how to kick the footy. You cracked it because you couldn’t do a drop kick like your old man, but you kept trying until you got it right. You knew your own mind even then.

I know there’s nothing I can say or do that will change what I did all those years ago, but please let me try.

I hope that 1 day you will be able to see me & give me a chance to make up for lost time. Please write back, Franky.


1.02 Fly Me Away

1.01 No Place Like Home